7 fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C that Japanese dietitians recommend! Can be eaten instead of yellow lemon.

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The benefits of vitamin C are more than you think from fruits and vegetables.

7 fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C that Japanese dietitians recommend! Can be eaten instead of yellow lemon.
  1. Helps delay aging and prevent various diseases.
    Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps slow down aging and helps prevent diseases caused by daily living, such as cancer, heart disease and stroke. hardening of the arteries Stroke and myocardial infarction,โปรโมชั่น ufabet, etc.
  2. Helps maintain beauty.
    Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for creating collagen, which is an important component of the skin. Thus helping to prevent premature wrinkles. Helps inhibit the production of melanin pigment, which is an important factor that causes freckles and blemishes. It is also effective in preventing sunburn due to UV rays.
  3. Strengthen the body’s strong immunity
    Vitamin C helps enhance the function of white blood cells. It attacks and destroys viruses and bacteria that enter the body. and helps strengthen the body’s immune system
  4. relieve stress
    Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and anti-stress hormones. Additionally, vitamin C is the body’s best way to combat stress. When the body is stressed The adrenal glands use large amounts of vitamin C to help balance the body in order to cope with the negative effects of stress hormones on the body.

Vegetables and fruits that have higher amounts of vitamin C than yellow lemons.

100 grams of yellow lemon contains 100 mg of vitamin C , which is higher than lemons, which have only 29.1 mg of vitamin C. Most people think that vitamin C is abundant in citrus fruits. But in fact, there are many fruits and vegetables that have higher amounts of vitamin C than yellow lemons, including the following fruits and vegetables in 100 grams.

  • Kiwi contains 140 milligrams of vitamin C.
  • Red bell peppers (raw) contain 170 milligrams of vitamin C.
  • Brussels sprouts (raw) contain 160 mg of vitamin C.
  • Yellow bell peppers (raw) contain 150 milligrams of vitamin C.
  • Orange bell peppers (raw) contain 150 milligrams of vitamin C.
  • Broccoli (raw) contains 140 mg of vitamin C.
  • Parsley (raw) contains 120 mg of vitamin C.

From the age of 12 years and up, the human body needs about 85-100 milligrams of vitamin C per day, but may consume more depending on the situation, such as living in an area with a high risk of infection or working with high stress.

If you’re paying attention to the amount of vitamin C you eat each day and don’t like the sour taste of lemons, try looking for alternative vegetables and fruits as listed above. Some vegetables, such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, may not be suitable for eating raw. It should be prepared by heating for a short time, such as only 2-3 minutes, in order to preserve as much vitamin C as possible. In addition, vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. Therefore, you should avoid cutting and soaking fruits and vegetables in water for a long time.